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The American Political Economy

Politics, Markets, and Power

Subsequent chapters look at the fundamental dynamics that result, including the place of the courts in multi-venue politics, the political economy of labor, sectional conflict within and across cities and regions, the consolidation of financial markets and corporate monopoly and monopsony power, and the ongoing rise of the knowledge economy. Together, the chapters provide a revealing new map of the politics of democratic capitalism in the United States.


“Until recently, specialists in American politics have left debates about globalization, the rise of economic inequality, and the transformation of labor markets to economists and scholars of comparative politics. In this impressive volume, an accomplished group of scholars demonstrates the value of integrating the study of American politics with an interdisciplinary political economy approach that embraces sober and systematic explorations of the most urgent questions of our time.”

—Jonathan Rodden
Stanford University

The American Political Economy is an agenda-setting collection, a must-read of theoretically bold and empirically wide-ranging contributions to our understanding of galloping inequalities and democratic erosions in the contemporary United States. Business power, union decline, racial inequities, government weakness, and regional disparities – all get provocative fresh looks here. Scholars and students alike will find much to debate and new questions to investigate.”

—Theda Skocpol
Harvard University

“This is the rare edited volume that features real intellectual heft. It not only bids fair to reorient the study of American political life but it also promises to shape the scholarly sensibilities of generations to come. Drawing on contributions from a dazzling roster of luminaries and rising stars, it makes a compelling case that political economy should occupy a central place in our understanding of American politics.”

—Anthony S. Chen
Northwestern University